IT & Security/소프트웨어

VirtualBox(버추얼박스) 6.0.10 & 5.2.32 업데이트

la Nube 2019. 8. 13. 00:00

[이 게시물은 2019년 7월 23일에 작성되었으며, 이 날까지 수집된 정보를 바탕으로 합니다.]

오라클(Oracle)이 개발하는 VirtualBox(버추얼박스)가 6.0.10 및 5.2.32 버전으로 업데이트되었습니다.

VirtualBox 6.0.10 (released July 16 2019)

This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

 - User interface: fix issue inputing controller names (bug #11579)

 - User interface: fix resize problems with recent Linux hosts (bug #18677)

 - Serial: fixed guru meditation when raw mode is enabled (bug #18632)

 - Serial: fixed possible VM crash under certain circumstances

 - USB: Fixed "unrecoverable error" problems in OHCI emulation (bug #18593, 6.0.6 regression)

 - USB: improve captured device identification

 - VBoxManage: fix reversed reporting of audio input and output (thank you Socratis Kalogrianitis)

 - VBoxManage: fix controlling recording for running machine (bug #18723)

 - Guest control service: various fixes

 - Windows hosts: fix problems copying files from shared folders (bug #18569)

 - Linux hosts: kernel module build fixes for various kernels (bug #18316)

 - Linux hosts: support UEFI secure boot driver signing on Ubuntu and Debian hosts (bug #11577)

 - Linux hosts: fix focus grabbing problems with recent Qt versions (builds from source only; thank you Fabian Vogt (SUSE) and Larry Finger; bug #18745)

 - Windows guests: many shared folders fixes

 - Windows guests: fix other services failing if seamless mode was not available

 - Linux guests: kernel module build fixes for various kernels (bugs #18677 and #18697; fixes by Larry Finger and Gianfranco Costamagna)

 - Linux guests: do not try to load old versions of libcrypt on recent guests in Guest Additions tools (bug #18682)

 - Linux guests: udev rules for guest kernel modules did not always take effect in time

 - Linux guests/VMSVGA: do not forget the guest screen size after a guest reboot

 - OS/2 guests: various shared folder fixes

VirtualBox 5.2.32 (released July 16 2019)

This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

 - USB: Fixed "unrecoverable error" problems in OHCI emulation (bug #18593, 6.0.6 regression)

 - USB: improve captured device identification

 - VBoxManage: fix reversed reporting of audio input and output (thank you Socratis Kalogrianitis)

 - Guest control service: various fixes

 - Linux hosts: fix focus grabbing problems with recent Qt versions (builds from source only; thank you Fabian Vogt (SUSE) and Larry Finger; bug #18745)

 - Linux guests: kernel module build fixes for various kernels (bugs #18677 and #18697; fixes by Larry Finger and Gianfranco Costamagna)

 - Linux guests: udev rules for guest kernel modules did not always take effect in time

공식 홈페이지에서 업데이트된 버전을 다운로드할 수 있습니다.

버추얼박스 6.0.10

버추얼박스 5.2.32

참고로 버추얼박스 6.0부터는 32비트 운영체제를 지원하지 않습니다. 버추얼박스 5.2가 32비트 운영체제를 지원하는 마지막 버전이며, 버추얼박스 5.2는 2020년 7월까지만 지원됩니다.

 * If you're looking for the latest VirtualBox 5.2 packages, see VirtualBox 5.2 builds. Please also use version 5.2 if you still need support for 32-bit hosts, as this has been discontinued in 6.0. Version 5.2 will remain supported until July 2020.
